Why mindfulness matters

When was the last time you thought ‘I am just so happy to be right here, right now’ without worrying about something that took place in the past or that might occur in the future? If you do appreciate being in the present, we’re guessing it is probably for a few seconds because, unlike most other creatures, humans are not wired to just live in the moment.

This undoubtedly comes from (even if subconsciously) the awareness of our own mortality and the belief, therefore, that we must give life meaning often by rushing to make the next plan or decision.

So, at times we just need to be more dog. Appreciate the food we are eating, feel the wind in our hair, rain on our face and enjoy the satisfaction of catching a ball without any other thoughts or attachments. Our chattering mind can often let emotions wander which all too often become negative.

Therefore, the practice of mindfulness can be highly beneficial to those who feel an impending sense of doom about past or future events because it resets the mind and puts thoughts that we often can’t control, into perspective.

When used in the right way, mindfulness will decrease stress and increase confidence along with a general sense of well-being. Being able to think clearly in the present moment also means that you will start to make much better decisions and to understand why you may be reacting to a situation or person in a given moment.

It’s a brief time-out for the brain because when you feel your mind wandering off, the process of mindfulness can help steer you back on track. It’s a method that can help you handle your emotions not only in that specific moment in time but in the future too and helps give focus and sharper concentration. It’s being present in the present.

How many times have you missed a fabulous experience because you were preoccupied with something else? The best cup of coffee ever tasted, your child’s made-up dance routine, a burst of bright sunshine or somebody laughing. As corny as they could all sound, they are a few of the many reasons to enjoy every moment we have and whilst we are all aware we will leave this mortal coil at some point in our lives, we can often drift through each day mindlessly, as if we have all the time in the world.

Mindfulness is about living in each moment without judgment, it’s not an acceptance of difficult or negative situations but it’s a strengthening of your mind so that you can make rational decisions when needed.

As well calming your thoughts at the time, it is also a great way of changing your mindshift from feelings of negativity and self-doubt to being aware there are other positive forces around you whether it be people close by, an appreciation of human inventions or the wonder of nature.

The use of controlled breathing like ujjayi and an awareness of all our senses is the core to mindfulness. By focusing on these areas, you will feel more in control and instantly relaxed. Just a few moments of focused breathing when you wake up or are suddenly feeling stressed will really help.

Take a few deep inhalations and exhalations and place focus on each breath to feel a sense of calm and relaxation. Try it for a few seconds at a time and you’ll notice that concentrating on your breathing will refocus your mind. Don’t worry if your mind starts to wander, just concentrate on what you are doing and start again.

Use each of your five senses too. With taste, make sure that when eating you give it your undivided attention. It is sometimes hard not to wolf food down to get on with our busy lives or to absent-mindedly multi-task by eating and reading or watching something at the same time not even that aware of what we are tasting. Next time, try to focus only on the food, identify the different flavours and textures and take time, even if just for a few minutes, to enjoy and be thankful for what is in front of you.

With the sense of hearing, start to listen differently. For example, find ways to appreciate a piece of your favourite music and break down what the components are – try to identify a particular instrument for example. See how many ways there are to really understand it. 

With touch, notice the different textures surrounding you. One simple technique is to place your hands on a surface, palms flat, and joint by joint feel each part of your hand by moving them slowly, one finger at a time.

Be present in the moment and be aware of everything around. For example, rather than be irritated that you are waiting in a queue take that opportunity to enjoy looking at what else is happening and use your senses to be aware of each of them in turn, appreciate the noises surrounding you for example, from the chinking of glasses clattering of cutlery or the rhythm of passing trains.

There is no magic to mindfulness other than it allows you to recentre your thoughts and instantly feel calmer. It can be done in two ways: either routinely so that you regularly  put time aside to practice mindfulness each day or you take the opportunity to follow it when a moment arises, such as being stuck in traffic, waiting for a meeting to begin or walking to the shops. Notice and appreciate little details that you might not normally see such as the sound of your footsteps, the variations of cars on the road or the array of colours of flowers in the gardens of the streets that you are walking through.

When you consciously clear your mind and bring your thoughts into the moment by focusing on a detail, it should take away anything that may be stressful, and you’ll look at the world in a non-judgemental way.

By living each moment step by step and intentionally focusing on what you are doing and feeling, rather than being frustrated at what is happening in your world, particularly if it is out of your control, you will see that you are actually living and not just existing. 

If you would like further information about the accredited life coaching we offer, how it could benefit your business, or how you could incorporate it into your team, please get in touch at info@maytrixgroup.com


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