What can you expect from a life coach?

It might feel like an indulgence, or you may not be sure that you need one but here are a few signs that you may find connecting with a coach a good idea.


-          don’t feel like you are moving forward in certain aspects of your life

-          spend your time comparing yourself to others

-          want to open a new chapter in your life but are fearful of where to begin

-          start new courses, read self-help books but don’t feel like you are moving on

-          have a vague idea of what you want but don’t know how to achieve it

These are just a few examples that indicate you might benefit from meeting a life coach. They will partner with you to look at your work and personal goals objectively and by edging out of your comfort zone you will be able to look at experiencing life in a more fulfilling way.

The coach will help you identify your strengths and weaknesses and use effective coaching tools to get you to a place where you start believing you can achieve what you want so that you make positive strides to get there.

A good life coach will be always be honest and realistic. They won’t encourage you to follow your dream of being a pilot if you don’t have twenty-twenty vision. They could, however, find out what it is about that role that interests you and work with you to look at an alternative job that offers similar rewards.

For anyone who feels that they have never really achieved their potential, a life coach will demonstrate how to develop skills, talents and work out exactly what part of life is not fulfilled and how this can be improved, often with only a few changes in mindset. Your confidence will increase as you realise exactly how much you achieve every single day and how much more you can do.

You will find that a life coach is open to your views and opinions and will very often thank you for highlighting a new way of looking at the world.

It’s not a therapy session but it will feel comforting and encouraging to know that somebody will be regularly thinking of new tips, books, ideas and other people to meet to set you on your journey.

Whatever our situation, life can be difficult, confusing and lonely for several different reasons and we live in a culture where it is not easy to open up to people without feeling vulnerable or weak.

There is also the concern that if we talk about ourselves incessantly to friends that they will tire of our worries and get frustrated if we choose not to take their advice. However, when working with a life coach there is an open conversation with someone who is experienced and knowledgeable and who brings a different vision that you may not have ordinarily come across.

By meeting a coach regularly, be it every week, month or quarter you will set goals with them and be focused to enable you to achieve what you really want.

This will be a realistic, manageable and accountable expectation and the feeling of achievement when you reach a milestone is hugely rewarding when you have your coach to share it with, particularly when they know how hard you have worked to get there.

Whether it’s changing careers, wanting an improved work-life balance, a happy relationship or just a revived perspective you will find that even just a few sessions with a life coach will make the world of difference.

If you would like further information about the accredited life coaching we offer, how it could benefit your business, or how you could incorporate it into your team, please get in touch at info@maytrixgroup.com


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