What is manifesting and how does it work?

“Having a vision creates a path for the future. It focuses you and allows for clarity moving forward.” ― Oprah Winfrey

It is absolutely true, having a vision is what drives us in everything, and Oprah and a wealth of others, including managers, actors, and sports professionals, use techniques of visualisation to ensure they offer their very best and reach their goals.

A great way of embracing and channeling a vision is by manifesting. This is becoming increasingly popular, particularly since the early lockdowns when Google saw a huge surge of people trying to find out how to get a better life, fabulous job, brand new house, more money and so on.

So, what is manifesting, and is it as simple as hoping for good things?

The idea is that to manifest something is to use your positive thoughts, imagination, beliefs and actions to make whatever it is you are looking for come true. It is a way of training your mind to eliminate disbelief, negativity, and thoughts that you don’t deserve what you would like. In a nutshell, it inspires and pushes you to get to where you want to be.

There are of course scores of books and websites that will have you believe that all you need to do is to write down your dream 100 times a day and magically it will appear.

For anyone who loves these kinds of rituals, there may be some light-hearted fun in the action of wishing for a pot of gold or writing it down over and over but the reality is that the most you are likely to get out of that activity is exhaustion.

Manifestation is an extremely powerful tool if used in the right way and with the understanding that a large dose of common sense and drive must be added to the recipe.

For example, a recent podcast, by motivational speaker Mel Robbins, talked about what to do if you want to use manifestation to run a marathon. Of course, you do need to see yourself sprinting across the finish line and running to the end surrounded by cheering crowds but that’s not an image that’s going to get you to that point. A better way of using your thoughts and beliefs is to work out how you get to the end result in tiny detail and those are the steps you need to be subconsciously thinking about and making it real in your mind so that your brain thinks that you’ve already done it and so nerves and fears are eliminated.

It’s not glamorous but, for example, picture yourself setting the alarm for an early wake-up call, pulling on your trainers, and opening the front door to be greeted by rain before you start pounding the streets for your regular marathon training. It’s the reality of it so your body and mind are both prepped and ready to go – let’s even go as far as to say excited about the outcome.

Alternatively, imagine you would love a promotion at work.  Manifestation is the ability to look at your goal, really see yourself in that position, and then work out how to get there. What needs to be done? What are the actions? What are the obstacles? How could you overcome those? What do you need to be thinking about day in and day out so that you can get to the point you want to be?

Walking your way through the role you are in, imagining a conversation with your director about the role might lead you to conclude that actually, you may need to take a course to specialise in a part of your job that is holding you back. Imagine taking the course and then the results it achieves, that will be the boost you need to get up and do it.

The point is that we need to have goals and ambitions to get ahead. We need to think big and not be afraid because if we allow our fears to control what our abilities are then we are just existing, not living. We need to move forward and challenge ourselves so that we are doing all we can to give ourselves the best chance there is.

And for anyone who thinks their time has passed just remember that is never too late to follow any goal or dream. It may not be a straight path but there is always a way.

If you are not sure how to manifest your goal (whether it be a new house, work, or personal life) then the best way to start is to share it with someone you trust such as a good friend, close family member, or life coach, who can work through the steps it will take to get there. Choose someone who is practical and ambitious with no judgment.

Once those steps are agreed upon, think about them every day and take action. You will be astounded by what you can achieve in a short space of time.


If you would like further information about the accredited life coaching we offer, how it could benefit your business, or how you could incorporate it into your team, please get in touch at info@maytrixgroup.com


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