From Good to Outstanding: Mastering the Art of Customer Service

Nothing makes hearts soar higher than brilliant customer service and being made to feel seen and cared for will ensure we keep buying from a business.

Exceptional customer service also holds the key to elevating a company above the competition. The profound impact of outstanding offerings to clients cannot be overstated as it has the power to forge long-lasting connections with customers and continually drive their loyalty. As leaders, it is crucial to recognise that every interaction, even during challenging moments, presents an opportunity to make customers feel valued and heard.

So how can we work with our colleagues to ensure that we look after clients so that our business is set apart from competitors?

Customer experience is simply the impression and perception that people have about your brand based on their own personal encounters with it and alarmingly it takes just seconds for them to make their minds up as to whether they want to continue dealing with you or not. It could be something as simple as the tone of voice used with a client, your willingness and ability to solve a problem, or going the extra mile to make someone feel important which makes the difference. 

By getting this right, your business will benefit from positive word of mouth which can often be more valuable than any marketing budget. Looking after your own staff is vital to a successful business but also remembering to pay attention to the people who buy your products and services is too, because ultimately that is what will drive your growth and success in both the short and long term.

“Fine words”, you say, “but we have a lot to deal with and occasionally there are going to be people that we can’t help”. This is true of course but by genuinely having empathy with every single customer, by putting yourself in their shoes, your genuine desire to help them will shine through and have more of an impact than any fancy packaging or clever straplines.

People come to your business because they have an issue that needs fixing and so by helping them with that and making it effortless, they’ll come back for more even if it’s not perfect the first time around.

It's also important to keep an eye on how customer needs and expectations are shifting. With the surge of improved technology clients are expecting assistance in ways that were unthinkable a few years ago. They’ll want to be able to get through to someone immediately for example, whether by phone or online.

The most effective way to find out what customers want is to ask them of course. Conduct surveys, ask for honest feedback, and look at the industry trends and see what your competitors are investing in and why. It doesn’t mean you have to mirror them but it’s a good indicator to see what customer focus is.

Train and encourage employees so that they embrace the importance of delivering exceptional customer experiences and genuinely want to help them and feel fantastic when they solve problems. Give staff a reason to invest in what clients need by offering clear communication, rewards for innovation and problem-solving, and allow them to actively engage with customers as humans, not the next sale.

Get to the root of the customer journey so that you can pick up any pain points before they do. Identifying who your customers are and the problems that they need to fix, will help you offer them a pain-free and positive experience.  Encourage team members to give feedback on everything they are seeing and hearing, however small it may be. It may not be within budget to fix something immediately but don’t dismiss it as there may be another way of dealing with the issue.

Be sure to involve staff at every level, particularly members of the team who are dealing with customers directly. Give them an easy way to communicate feedback so that it’s automatic for them and not just when a larger issue arises. Encourage them to try to solve the problem as their experience with clients will mean that they hear first-hand how something could and should be fixed.

Be sure to personalise the customer experience. Remember what a client liked about a product and service and make notes that can be referred to and this will make the customer feel as important and valued as they are.

Equally going above and beyond may seem unnecessary but this is what people remember. If they are having a bad day and you go out of your way to do something unexpected, even if it’s just a kind word then they will carry that with them and your brand will be seen as one they want to continue dealing with.

Encouraging loyalty and offering genuine rewards or relevant benefits will add to great customer service because they will feel respected and therefore keep listening to what you are telling them. It doesn’t mean that they will buy from you all the time but they will feel that they have an affinity they want to continue and when they have a choice of people to purchase from, you’ll be in the running.

In conclusion, providing exceptional customer service is vital to set your business apart from others.

It is made up of many factors including tone of voice, problem-solving abilities, and going the extra mile for people. Prioritise customer feedback, both good and bad and keep looking at how to offer the best experience you can for them. Keep an eye on industry trends and encourage staff feedback, innovation, and creative ideas to offer outstanding customer service every time.

Ultimately by creating a fantastic client experience, you will always drive growth and success.


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