Eight ways to ensure effective Change Management

Today businesses of all sizes are finding themselves in a state of flux.

For some, a period of change in the business is a choice but there is also a huge percentage of companies that have to make adjustments due to unexpected external factors, and with that comes tension and unease amongst employees, clients and stakeholders.

What are the causes for change?

There are many reasons for a business to go through periods of instability including:

Tech advances

Our world of technology is moving at an alarming rate and both customers and employees expect businesses to keep up. There was a time when getting a fax machine was cutting edge but if a business doesn’t have a lightning-speed infrastructure or immediate client response, then it will be seen as something of a dinosaur and lose any competitive edge.


The last few years, post-lockdown, have seen some businesses bloom out of the pandemic and others hobble along painfully in its wake. The only way to deal with the growth or reduction of a company is to restructure the business which can be expensive and worrying for employees and long-term clients.

Market Dynamics

External forces including wars, the development of technology, intensified competition, increased customer preferences and new regulations coming into play will lead businesses to have no choice but to change how they operate to keep going.

Mergers & Acquisitions

When businesses co-join there is naturally a huge upheaval and change process with regards to systems, cultures, processes and often moving a company to a new location. There is always a cost attached and issues can arise with employees being unsatisfied with their new way of working or the fear of potential redundancy.

Employee expectations

The businesses that succeed are those taking the people that work for them very seriously offering respect and asking for their feedback. This in turn can lead to a company having to change how it operates if employees feel how it operates is outdated. Employee expectations of where and when to work, well-being programmes, fair salaries and satisfactory compensations are ignored at the peril of any business wanting to thrive.

So, taking all of these potential reasons for change into consideration, here are eight ways you could consider embracing change to ensure that your business foundation is rock solid.

1.    Create a change management team

To create a strong future, this group of individuals will ensure that targets are met and communication is good. The team should be made up of staff members with different skill sets and with the ability to understand all levels of the company and the impact that the forthcoming change will have in every area of the business.

2.    Be clear about the future

Have a vision about why change is positive and beneficial so that this can be relayed to employees and clients. Being seen to be excited about any change and the good it will do for everyone will ensure that they understand it is a good thing.

3.    Speak concisely

Give as much information as possible and be very open and straightforward about the reasons for change. Even if it doesn’t sound appealing, you will be respected and supported for your inclusion and transparency. Acknowledge worries and keep updating employees and clients with any movement to the end goal.

4.    Investigate resistance

It would be impossible for everyone to be excited or relaxed about changes being made in a business but be sure to address any resistance you come across. Demonstrate that you genuinely want employees to be happy at work by listening and noting their fears and worries. Be honest and open with them and keep communicating whilst also encouraging an open-door policy, their honest feedback is vital to progression.

5.    Empower employees

When staff feel pride at work and a sense of purpose the business can only benefit. Encourage teams to give their ideas and thoughts about how the change can be improved or what they think will ensure that the company stays ahead of the game. When they are included, they will feel responsible for the business and its success too.

6.    Welcome wellbeing

Investing in supporting staff’s mental wellbeing and ongoing personal development is wise for a business wanting to be strong and successful. It is employees that can make or break it after all. Be sure to offer coaching and training programmes and workshops that keep their skills up to date and show them that they are valued.

7.    Celebrate successes

As you would at home, be sure to make a fuss when a milestone is reached, however small it may seem. This gives a message that the business is succeeding and that individuals who have helped are valued and appreciated which will encourage others to be part of the company change.

8.    Create a network

To be sure that the company builds on any change that has been made, stay in touch with people who have made that transition possible – these include team members, employees, stakeholders, and industry representatives. By keeping this network in place there will be a continued exchange of knowledge and suggestions so that any future change will be easier and robustly supported.

These are just a few of the ways a business can feel confident and positive during periods of transition.

Taking the time to put plans in place, to manage change effectively, means your business will be able to support and guide both employees and customers whenever there is a transition in the firm and as a result, you will always have the confidence and positivity to embrace any modifications you need to make in the future.

If you would like further information about the support that we offer, how it could benefit your business, or how you could incorporate it into your team, please get in touch at info@maytrixgroup.com


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