How to challenge yourself to find greater success

There’s nothing more difficult than seeing a long day stretched before us full of something that we don’t want or can’t do successfully.

Equally, it’s hard when we feel that we are endlessly working and living through a life of routine that we want to change but don’t know how.

One of the ways to feel that we are making strides in the right direction is to challenge ourselves.

This can be in work or at home and it’s the key to personal growth and to really get towards the goals we’ve not quite reached yet.

If you’re keen to find your true potential, here are six ways to start challenging yourself:

Set goals that require effort.

I don’t think there’s one person on the planet that hasn’t found satisfaction at crossing off something on the to do list but is it something that really felt like an achievement? A goal that takes perseverance, action and determination will show you how much you can really do. Don’t be overwhelmed with the enormity of a task though. If you need help to work out how to get there then sit down with a friend, family member or coach to see what are the steps that you need to take and you’ll find the milestone is closer and more achievable than first thought.

Welcome change.

We are all creatures of habit but with that can come the feeling of being stuck in a routine that feels unfulfilling. Try something new, welcome the chance to do different things that are offered to you. It can take you out of your comfort zone but will inevitably help you to see the world from a new perspective and adapt to change and as a result you’ll be unafraid of the unknown, in fact you may come to welcome it.

Try something new.

Whether it be a skill at home or work, learning something different will be brilliant for your confidence, increases brain power and can make you a new set of pals in the process.

Be unafraid of risk-taking.

We’re not saying to start making new parkour chums by running on the top of park benches but equally don’t be worried about trying something you would normally shy away from. If you’ve always wanted to suggest that things are done differently at work, if there’s an activity you really want to try with the family of if you’ve been dreaming of starting your own side business, just go for it. Don’t be afraid of failure because everything is a learning process. Equally if you are worried about the implications or are unsure where to start talk it through with someone but only with supportive people as you don’t want to be talked out of a lifelong dream.

Move in different circles.  

Whether it be at home or work try to find a new group of people to network with that you don’t normally meet. Attend different kinds of networking events or engage with people with different views – you’ll find it surprising who you can end up meeting and by broadening your contacts you’ll be open to new opportunities.

Cope with setbacks.

Sometimes it can feel like we take two steps forwards and one step back but that is life of course. The best thing to do is find a way to cope so that you can manage when you don’t get the response you were hoping for. Being resilient is one of the best values we can carry with us because our tenacity and ability to never give up is what keeps us moving forward and makes things interesting. By finding a way around a setback and not letting it stop our plans entirely we will continue to strive to do the great things we know we were destined for. Look for what works for you best whether it be discussing an issue with someone you trust or by practicing mindfulness, calming meditation, or going for a mind-clearing swim or walk. Just remember it’s a temporary setback and if you stay focused on your goals and believe in your abilities you will achieve them.

By challenging yourself you will always feel invigorated.  If you’re hesitating then just think what the worst outcome would be and normally it’s never as bad as we imagine, in fact, nine times out of ten it’s better than we thought. Life’s short so embrace every moment and never be afraid to set out to do what you feel you were always meant to because with the right mindset, it’s all possible.

If you would like further information about the accredited life coaching we offer, how it could benefit your business, or how you could incorporate it into your team, please get in touch at


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